The Boston Strangler

The Boston Strangler is a name that has cast a shadow over the city of Boston for decades. It refers to a series of murders that took place between 1962 and 1964, in which thirteen women were brutally killed. The crimes remain a source of fascination and speculation, as they remain unsolved to this day. This article will delve into the chilling history of the Boston Strangler, the prime suspect, Albert DeSalvo, and the unanswered questions that continue to haunt investigators and the public alike.

I. The Gruesome Murders

The first murder attributed to the Boston Strangler occurred on June 14, 1962. The victim was 55-year-old Anna Slesers, who was found dead in her apartment. She had been sexually assaulted and strangled with a cord. This was the beginning of a terrifying two-year killing spree, which saw the deaths of thirteen women between the ages of 19 and 85. The victims were all found strangled, usually with their own stockings or scarves, which were tied in a bow around their necks. The women were sexually assaulted, and their bodies were often posed in degrading positions.

The killings were so brutal that they caused widespread panic throughout Boston. Women began to take extra precautions, and the city saw a dramatic increase in the sale of locks, guard dogs, and firearms. Despite the fear, the killings continued, and the police struggled to find any leads. The case went cold until the arrest of Albert DeSalvo in 1964.

II. The Prime Suspect: Albert DeSalvo

Albert DeSalvo was a factory worker with a history of criminal activity, including burglary and sexual assault. He was arrested in 1964 for unrelated crimes and later confessed to being the Boston Strangler. DeSalvo provided intimate details about the murders that only the killer would know, and his confessions were seen as compelling evidence of his guilt.

However, DeSalvo was never tried for the murders. He was instead charged with a series of sexual assaults, for which he was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. While incarcerated, DeSalvo was stabbed to death by an unknown assailant in 1973, leaving many questions unanswered.

III. Lingering Doubts

Although DeSalvo confessed to the murders, there are several reasons to doubt his guilt. Firstly, the confessions were given while he was in a mental institution and were later recanted. There was also no physical evidence linking DeSalvo to the crime scenes, such as fingerprints or DNA.

Moreover, some investigators have questioned whether the thirteen murders attributed to the Boston Strangler were actually the work of a single individual. There were significant differences in the ages and social backgrounds of the victims, and some of the crime scenes showed different methods of entry and execution. This has led some to speculate that there may have been multiple killers operating in Boston during that period.

IV. Modern Forensic Analysis

In 2013, investigators reopened the Boston Strangler case, using advanced forensic techniques to reexamine the evidence. DNA from the final victim, Mary Sullivan, was compared to a sample taken from DeSalvo’s exhumed body. The results showed a strong match, providing the first physical evidence connecting DeSalvo to the crimes.

However, this discovery has not put the matter to rest. While it confirms DeSalvo’s involvement in at least one murder, it does not conclusively prove that he was responsible for all of the killings attributed to the Boston Strangler. Some investigators still maintain that there may have been more than one perpetrator.


The case of the Boston Strangler remains one of the most chilling unsolved mysteries in American criminal history. Despite the advancements in forensic science and the DNA evidence linking Albert DeSalvo to one of the murders, there are still many unanswered questions. The possibility of multiple killers, the inconsistencies in the crimes, and the lack of definitive evidence leave room for speculation and doubt.

It is important to remember the impact these crimes had on the city of Boston and the victims’ families, who have been left with a legacy of pain and uncertainty. The case serves as a stark reminder of the dark side of human nature and the potential for violence that exists within society.

Although it has been nearly six decades since the first murder attributed to the Boston Strangler, the case continues to captivate the public’s imagination. It has inspired numerous books, films, and television shows, all attempting to unravel the mystery of who was responsible for these heinous crimes.

In the years since the murders, there have been several attempts by amateur sleuths and professional investigators to identify the true killer or killers. Some theories point to the involvement of organized crime, while others suggest that the murders were the work of a previously unknown serial killer. However, none of these theories have been conclusively proven.

The Boston Strangler case highlights the importance of continued advancements in forensic science and the dedication of law enforcement agencies to solve cold cases. As technology progresses, it is possible that new evidence may come to light, providing definitive answers and closure to the families of the victims. Until then, the chilling legacy of the Boston Strangler will continue to haunt the city and serve as a reminder of the unsolved mysteries that lurk in the shadows of history.