
Honeybadger calls the page specified, abstracts how the form collects information, and then generates a fast flow (not a flood) of random information to the form’s endpoint. After several thousand entries have been made, the scammer is unlikely to waste time continually testing the records, as the chances of finding a genuine set of credentials will be almost impossible.

Ubuntu users can run the following from a terminal to install:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:andydixon/honeybadger <br></br>$ sudo apt update <br></br>$ sudo apt install honeybadger

Alternatively, the source code is available on GitHub:

The original Go-based version (which the Ubuntu PPA is built from) can be found here: https://github.com/andydixon/honeybadger-go

The re-write in Rust (in the early days of me learning it, so the code may/will be poor) can be found here: https://github.com/andydixon/honeybadger