Editorial DL 1
Editorial DL 1
title DARK LILY (Lilium Arcanum) has been used in the past by other followers of the Left Hand Path.
Its last public appearance was as a duplicated newsheet some five years ago,
produced by a Satanic group whose pretensions to Occult power could not be
substantiated (neither they nor their magazine possessed the power of
purpose of the new Dark Lily is to present the truth about the Left Hand Path,
which is not the weird half-truths and melodramatic claims propagated in the
past, The reality is far more potent and far more difficult to attain.
This is
not the magazine of any one group. This is the magazine of the Left Hand Path.
So, if you have a contribution to make, let us have it. Anything pertinent and
printable is welcome.
whether articles, letters or queries, should preferably be typed (double
spacing) but handwritten items are equally acceptable providing they are
legible. Please enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope (or IRC if overseas),
either for our reply, the return of your original, or any questions regarding
From the Dark Lily Journal No 1, Society of Dark Lily
(London 1987).