Fox Hunting or Witch Hunting
Fox-hunting or Witch-hunting
What is
the difference between a witch-hunt and a fox-hunt? Compare the modern way of
getting rid of foxes and the modern way of getting rid of witches. A fix is a
fox, but a witch is a witch because someone say so. That is the creation of a
fox where no fox exists.
fox-hunting, all that men did was to tag on to something which exists anyway.
Dogs chases foxes just as naturally as they chase any other animal which is
smaller, or sometimes larger, than themselves. There are tens of thousands of
livestock deaths per year due to dogs. Animals’ instinct is to kill, and the
only way to stop that is by genetic engineering.
people talk about the barbarity of hunting, they forget what barbarity really
means. Like the German description of a hypocrite, which translates as:
‘preaching the water and drinking the wine’. The argument against fox-hunting
is purely political, concerned to induce a feeling of guilt into those who
disagree with the views expounded, and it concentrates on emotionalism,
ignoring inconvenient realities.
I enjoy
fox-hunting. The “burn-the-witch” brigade enjoy what they do. The end result is
the same except more foxes escape than witches did. If people could get away
with it, the would still burn witches today, because the same minds are still
in the same organisations. The clergy do not even consider that burning people
was wrong; they have never uttered an apology for the witch-burnings. They wish
they could still do it, but, since the law no longer permits them to tie anyone
to a stake and light a fire around him or her, they have found subtler methods
of persecution. One particular section of society cannot leave other people
Can you
guarantee that no anti-blood-sports campaigner will ever chant
“burn-the-witch”? I will give up field sports when people give up hunting other
people because they are different.
article taken from the Dark Lily Journal No 4, Society of Dark Lily (London